Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hi, my name is Samantha Sue Manwaring. I just turned 5 years old on December 17, 2012. I had a great birthday. A few weeks before my birthday, we went to Disneyland. My Mom and Dad made it to be a surprise. We found out at the airport we were going for a whole week! Wahoo!! This time we went on an airplane instead for the car. We got to ride in this really cool, cool van (we rented). We gotta stay in this really cool, big hotel room. Especially we got to sleep on the couch instead of our bed in the hotel room. And there was a TV right by the couch. We gotta watch it a lot. The bad thing is I got really sick, like my Mom and Dad, and I had a really high fever and so some days I didn't want to go on any rides, but the swimming pool still felt good. There was a hot tub and a swimming pool. I loved it!
For my birthday, my family and Becca got to go play at Blast Off. Also, I got my favorite doll (Cheetah girl doll) that I wanted really bad. My family went to dinner at a restaurant and they gave me ice cream and told everyone it was my birthday and said, "Let's give it up for Sami! Happy Birthday!" And we did lots of fun stuff.
Christmas break was awesome. We didn't have to go to school. We had lots of parties with cousins. We ate lots of treats. Santa made me a special video and I was on the nice list!! Christmas was so great. I got what I asked for-a Barbie camper. Plus I got a LOT of Barbies. Sweet.
Well, that's all for now. I love my baby brother and my big sisters and my Mom and Dad. I really like to watch Neature Walk on YouTube. It is so funny. So is Kid History.
My mom says I love to dance around the house and I have great moves. I am now in Lucy's gymnastics class. I have two different preschool teachers. I am a happy girl and am a great daughter and sister. I have a fiesty temper but I am working hard to control myself and all the rest of the time I am very nice. I have